
And when the centurion, who stood facing him, saw that in this way he breathed his last, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God!” – Mark 15:39 ESV

What does it take for you to believe?  We live in a world when videos and photos cannot be trusted.  We understand that these instruments only offer a certain perspective, not the entire event.  We think they might be edited to reveal a certain narrative.

We find it hard to believe what we see in the news, on TV, on the internet, or what we hear from other people.  We are fundamentally cynical culture that thinks every person has an ulterior motive – wealth, power, or influence.

When a hardened solider observed the dying moments of Jesus on the cross, he made an observation.  This man who had seen many people die, saw something different in Jesus.  He saw the crowds mocking, the religious leaders mocking, EVEN the robbers mocking, but still made this confession, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”  He saw deeper, past the crowds, past the courts, he saw the man.  He saw the honor, dignity, and bravery of Jesus last moment.  He respected Jesus because he knew there was something better about him.

The truth is Jesus did have an ulterior motive when he died on the cross.  It is linked to his purpose and mission.  He wants you to have restored relation with God.  He wants you to finally understand how to live out the Kingdom life you were designed to live out.  He wants you to be the you that you were always intended to be.  The questions we must ask are: do we really believe, can we trust him, am I ready to stop going my own way?

Who or what do you trust in for life?  Are they reliable?  Are you ready to lean into Jesus knowing he will catch you?  What must you release in order to do so?

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