Empty Calories

Empty Calories
We've heard the phrase empty calories from nutritionists, websites, and calorie-counting apps.  We've been told not to eat these high-caloric foods, which have little to no nutritional value.  Still, who doesn't love a good French fry or soft drink?  We can eat these empty calories, but as the name implies, they won't satisfy our nutritional needs and often we are still hungry after consuming such foods.  

On the other hand, real food has a filling effect on our bodies.  Eating real fruits and vegetables, homemade bread, and drinking more water provides a naturally satisfying feeling because our bodies are getting what they need.  Though we are not as vigilant as we were twelve years ago, Mark and I began a journey of better eating when I was first diagnosed with cancer in 2012.  We learned how to grow and process our own vegetables, how to grind wheat and bake bread, how to eat more whole and real foods.  Doing so was healing to our bodies and minds; we felt good taking these steps toward better health.

I often tell people, eating whole, real foods is similar to our spiritual lives.  We can feed our souls junk food (insert whatever distraction you prefer here) or we can feed our souls with the Word of God.  We can invest in life-giving habits and rhythms and avoid those habits and rhythms that draw us away from Christ.  We can set our minds on things above as Colossians 3 tells us and not on the things of this world.

Make a list of life-giving activities that you enjoy: taking a walk, enjoying nature, talking with a friend.  Ask God to meet you in those places. You may also consider making a list of those mindless activities (empty calories) that cause you to drift away from your awareness of God.  

Father, teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. Psalm 90:12

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